Monday, January 23, 2012

Winter Garden

Winter Comes

This year we had a Freak Snowstorm on October 30 with thirteen inches of snow falling before the trees had even dropped all their leaves! It was Devastating to so many trees, and made a Huge mess of my back yard.... but Fortunately, my Garden itself was not damaged by any of the falling tree limbs. The snow melted within a week or so.... leaving a great deal of clean-up to be done after it! So there was little time to do many of the Fall Garden chores.... and I almost didn't have the emotional energy to even go out there and take pictures!
But fortunately, there were a few days that called me into the garden..... to say goodbye to the Last rose blossoms.....

The Roses that bloom til there is no more sun
and the frosts wither the blossoms before they open.......

And to see the exotic seed heads of the Clematis by the door.......

Those last misty gray days of November......
as the sun is weakening day by day......

And my back yard is a pile of tree limbs needing to be cleared away........

But Winter Comes quietly after all.......
I Decorate the Garden with Christmas Lights.....
because the Dark is Taking Over.....

And the morning light is Late and Rare......

But sneaks in anyway.... as we wait for snow.....

But all we see is Frost.......

Glittering and twinkling in the sun.......

Which leaves so early that by Four o'clock the lights are glowing in the Garden.

But still no snow......
Christmas comes and goes......

And then Finally a tiny dusting of snow.....

Coating all the branches in white.......
How completely Different the Garden seems!

This twilight snow......

Turns to ice by Morn.....

And ice is so much harder than snow......
Harder to touch......
Harder to Shovel......

Glittery and brittle, it coats everything....

Until even the weak rays of wintry sun melt it's armored crust.........

Winter is HERE...

And the lights still come on at dusk....
Because I cannot bear to turn them off when the Winter nights are still so LONG.....

They are flowers of a different sort......
Like night blooming Jasmine....
only glowing for those dark winter hours....

Magical in their own way.....

Forgive me while I walk you through the twilight.......

It could take a while.....

But I never seem to grow tired of watching....

As Night takes over the Garden....!

But WAIT, I cannot leave you there.....
Because every now and then we get a Perfect Snow!
Not too much.... no sleet... no rain.......
Cold enough for perfect flakes......

It adorns my Faithful Hound......

Sits gently on the fence......

Balances on all the leaves still clinging to the Rose......

But most importantly.... it Glitters like a Million Diamonds in the sun....!

Come, look closer and you will see......

SOME moments are worth waiting for!

Winter Garden